



The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 is committed to supporting our service men and women of the United States and the State of Alabama, 还有他们的配偶和孩子. This policy outlines procedures and instances dealing with VA students who are called to duty and must withdraw from the semester, 在学期结束前离校, attend training during the semester or must miss the beginning of the semester due to 军事 orders.

本科或研究生是美国学生协会的成员.S. 军事, 国民警卫队, or other armed forces reserve unit who is called or ordered to active duty elsewhere may be granted a 晚开始 or 军队离开 of Absence (MLOA) from the University.

Upon return from a 军事 related absence of not more than three (3) years, a VA student with an approved MLOA will not be required to apply for readmission or pay readmission fess. The VA student will be restored to the same academic standing earned prior to leave and will be allowed to preregister for classes with currently enrolled students, 在早期注册期间, 在他们计划返回校园的学期之前.


如果你必须晚上课, 但可以在第三周结束前参加, 因为需要非自愿服兵役或接受训练, 你可以申请延期开学. 你必须联系退伍军人事务部主任, 提供您的订单副本, a written statement indicating the date you will be able to attend the class and notify all professors and instructors. 如果你的迟到被批准了, you will not be dropped for non-attendance or non-payment during that time.  You must meet with the Director immediately upon returning to campus.  除了, 你有责任完成所有的课程要求, 包括你不在期间错过的.


If you receive orders requiring you to miss classes in order to attend involuntary training, 你可以申请批准的军假. 休假的要求包括:
你必须联系退伍军人事务部主任 and the instructor of each course. Provide a copy of your orders to the Director along with a written statement indicating the date you will leave and return.  You are responsible for completing all course requirements, 包括你不在期间错过的.


如果你要在学期开始前被部署, you should submit the following to the Director of Veteran Affairs:
You will be withdrawn from the University and receive a total refund of any pre-registration payment made for the term. Any tuition/fee funds received from the VA or DOD will also be returned.


If you receive involuntary 军事 deployment orders requiring you to leave school for the semester before the term ends, 你可以要求军队退出这个任期. You should submit the following to the Director of Veteran Affairs:
You will be withdrawn from the university and receive a total refund of any payment you made toward the term. Any tuition/fee funds received from the VA or DOD will not be refunded to you.  除了, all courses will be graded with a grade of ‘W’ with an indication of Military Withdrawal.


If you receive involuntary 军事 deployment orders requiring you to leave school during the last three weeks of the fall/ spring semesters (or last week of the summer terms), you may attempt to work with your instructors in order to complete course requirements and receive a grade.

You should submit the following to the Director of Veteran Affairs as soon as possible:
o   Written statement indicating your desire to attempt to complete course requirements.

You should then contact each of your professors to see if it is possible to do one of the following: Complete all requirements for the course before your deployment date or receive a grade of incomplete for the course. Please see the UM Incomplete Policy in the Academic 政策 section of the current 公告: 点击这里

If neither option is determined to be acceptable by either you or the instructor, the instructor will notify the Registrar’s Office and you will be withdrawn from that course.


In the case of immediate deployment without proper time for notification to the school, 学生教务长将被授权代表你行事.


当你准备好返回澳门大学时, you should meet with the Director of Veteran Affairs so you can be readmitted and unlocked for registration. You may then contact your major department and/or advisor to set up an appointment for academic advising and pre-registration.

Remember to request that an official copy of all transcripts for course work you completed during your absence, 包括一份最新的军事成绩单, 被送到注册主任办公室.