August 27, 2024

Featured Falcons: Dr. Shafqat Ali Shad

What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo?
Dr. Shafqat Ali Shad, assistant professor of data analytics in the Michael E. Stephens College of Business.

Dr. Shafqat Shad

Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in?I’m originally from Islamabad, Pakistan, 这座城市以其美丽的风景和郁郁葱葱的绿色植物而闻名,坐落在喜马拉雅山麓. I now live in Hoover, which has a similar landscape and climate, with abundant greenery and mild weather. The natural beauty of both places makes each feel like home, with their shared charm and pleasant environment.

If you hold any degrees, what are they in, and from what schools?
I earned my Doctor of Engineering (Ph.D.中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术专业, where I focused my research on mobile user profiles and trajectory mining. 这个严谨的项目不仅磨练了我的技术能力,也让我对先进的数据分析技术有了深刻的理解. Before this, 我在巴基斯坦的COMSATS信息技术学院获得了计算机科学硕士学位. There, 我曾因学业优异而获得校长金奖,并在数据压缩算法方面进行了重要的研究, including Huffman and LZW. 这些形成性的经历为我从事数据科学与技术的职业生涯奠定了坚实的基础.

How long have you worked here? 
Since August 2021.

What brought you to Montevallo?
在这个以学生为中心的斯蒂芬斯商学院,有机会塑造数据分析和网络安全方面的开创性项目, liberal arts institution is incredibly exciting. 澳门在线赌城娱乐培养了一个紧密联系的社区,学生和教授彼此都很了解, creating a supportive, almost familial atmosphere. 我对利用技术解决社会问题的热情在这里找到了完美的匹配, 对下一代学生的教育和赋权可以在哪些方面产生重大影响. 这是一个有益的环境,技术和教育结合在一起,推动有意义的变革.

What’s the best thing about working for Montevallo?
我的角色中最好的部分是有机会在一个真正进步的环境中塑造和扩展数据分析和网络安全项目. Working with a collaborative and forward-thinking team, I am excited by the continuous growth and desire to advance our programs, student achievements and curriculum. The unwavering support from the president, provost, dean and my colleagues has been exceptional, fostering an atmosphere where innovation and progress thrive. 这种充满活力的环境使得突破界限并在教育和项目开发方面取得重大进展成为可能.

Do you have any interesting stories about one of your favorite experiences here?
我最喜欢的经历之一是与当地非政府组织合作组织和领导训练营. Through these bootcamps, I gained valuable insights into industry requirements and local job market trends, 这对我们数据分析课程中体验式学习的发展有很大的影响. 这种亲身实践的方法有助于我们的学生掌握高要求的分析技能, 大大提高他们为就业市场做好准备,并使他们的学习与现实需求相结合.

What’s your proudest accomplishment since being at UM?
Although I joined UM not long ago, 我很自豪能成为一个致力于扩展和加强数据分析和网络安全项目的团队的一员. 最有意义的方面之一是听到学生们在毕业后成功地获得了实习机会. 他们的成功故事突出了我们的项目对他们的生活和更广泛的社会产生的直接影响. 看到在这里获得的技能和知识如何转化为有意义的职业发展和个人生活和行业的积极变化,这是令人难以置信的满足感.

我最近完成了一个由James Newman资助的移动应用程序开发项目, an accounting alum, 斯蒂芬斯商学院的捐助者和学院的商业顾问委员会成员. 我们开发了一个专注于辅助生活的应用程序,并为我们的三名数据分析和商业核心学生提供了带薪实习机会. I led this project, overseeing the creation of the software requirements specification and business plan. 这一努力是我们的体验式学习组件和行业协作如何结合在一起的一个主要例子, providing practical, hands-on experience for our students while fostering valuable industry connections.

Why do you belong at Montevallo?
我属于蒙特瓦洛,因为它提供了一个独特的机会,通过教学产生重大影响, research and industry collaboration. The environment here fosters growth and innovation, 这与我的个人目标——利用技术产生社会影响——是完全一致的. I am passionate about helping youth recognize and achieve their goals, 蒙特瓦洛的支持和前瞻性的氛围为这项任务提供了理想的环境.

Anything else you want to say?
我对在澳门在线赌城娱乐的未来之旅感到兴奋,并对我受到的热情欢迎表示感谢. 我期待着与我的同事和学生一起推进我们的项目,并在我们的领域和社会中产生积极的影响.